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Accessible infrastructure added to Northeast BC!

Through the Province of BC's Targeted Regional Tourism Development Initiative Fund (TRTDI), Northern BC Tourism Association has funded the installation of Universally Accessible Infrastructure at eight high use visitor sites in the region.

This project will increase the presence of facilities, infrastructure, and services that support universal design which enhances the experience for residents and visitors of all abilities as noted in the Northeast Destination Development Strategy.

To date, two sites in Northeast BC have been completed.

Gantahaz Lake in Mackenzie

Pidherny Mountain Bike Trailhead in Prince George

The photo of the green outhouse shows what was at the trail head prior to this installation, not only inaccessible but also located on a hill. The new outhouse was installed in an accessible location and is Universally Designed.

“Inclusive by Design is grateful for the funding from Northern BC Tourism Association, which is supporting us in increasing access to Northern BC’s outdoor recreation spaces. We have completed two of the planned eight installations of accessible amenities, which are a combination of outhouses, picnic tables and benches,” says Janis Neufeld, CEO of Inclusive by Design. “The manufacturing and installations are employing individuals with a disability and barriers to employment. Building spaces without barriers improves access and participation for everyone, which in turn builds community as we encounter new friends and new ideas in these shared and welcoming spaces.”

Northern BC Tourism

1274 5th Avenue

Prince George, BC V2L 3L2

T: 250.561.0432

F: 250.561.0450

