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At NoRthern BC Tourism AssocIation


Northern BC Tourism offers several programs that can benefit local businesses, communities and shareholders. These include emergency preparedness programs, tourism association certifications, tourism research initiatives, and resiliency programs, including COIVD-19 mitigation plans. Below you will find a short summary of our major ongoing programs with links for additional information and resources on each.

Tourism Resiliency Program

We provide local businesses with practical and practicable strategies along with guidance for enduring the immediate impacts of major disruptive events.

The goals of the Tourism Resiliency Program is to establish and implement resiliency practices for the industry to help mitigate the impacts of COVID-19 and other disruptive events. This way our region can mitigate losses and rebound as quickly as possible. Find more details and register your business here.
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The key to developing the tourism industry is having relevant data and insights about visitors.

Northern BC Tourism Association invests in research programs through the BC Regional Tourism Secretariat. The data obtained allows us to see the volume of visitors to Northern BC, as well as the types of visitors who are coming to our region. Communities and businesses have the ability to get visitation data specific to their visitors. Find information here on our ongoing research initiatives, past findings, and new research opportunities for businesses.
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Value of Tourism

We are dedicated to empowering and supporting our communities to tell the important Value of Tourism story.

Northern BC Tourism Association has over 30 advocacy-based templates to be used to communicate with residents, media, government, and community leaders – access to these templates is open to communities within the region that would like our support engaging locals in the Value of Tourism conversation.
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Safe Travels Stamp

Discover the benefits of having your business granted the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) Safe Travels stamp.

This certification makes it easy for travelers to recognize destinations and tourism businesses around the world that have adopted globally standardized health and hygiene protocols to ensure that all visitors have a safe and enjoyable experience. Northern BC tourism stakeholders interested in applying can find all the necessary details here.
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Emergency Preparedness

Our number one priority is to keep each other safe during times of emergency.

Whether dealing with major events such as floods and fires, or emergency closures of parks and recreation sites, having an Emergency and Communication Plan is a responsible and important business necessity. Here you can find all the resources you need for your Emergency and Communication Planning and step-by-step guides for preparing your businesses for emergency situations.
Register in Emergency Database

Northern BC Tourism

1274 5th Avenue

Prince George, BC V2L 3L2

T: 250.561.0432

F: 250.561.0450

