The Fort St. John Chamber of Commerce hosted an Indigenous Celebration on June 12.
The event was sponsored by BC LNG Alliance and began with a visit to Tse’K’wa (Rock House) at Charlie Lake, an 8 acre property owned by Doig River, Prophet river, and West Moberly. According to archaeological evidence, the cave site at Charlie Lake is a uniquely spiritual site that has been used and visited by humans for more than 12,000 years.
The day concluded with a well-attended dinner of traditional foods including bannock, bison, and moose meat stir fry. A keynote speech was delivered from Chief Clarence Louie.
Our summit will bring together industry experts, travel enthusiasts, and local businesses to discuss the latest trends, strategies, and opportunities in Northern BC's tourism sector.
Expect engaging discussions, insightful keynote speakers, and interactive workshops that will equip you with valuable knowledge and insights. Connect with like-minded individuals, forge new partnerships, and gain inspiration to take the tourism sector to the next level in the region.